Abstract commissions

Hello.....it's been a while......
As you may have gathered, portraits are my go-to subject where art is concerned; but i do enjoy dabbling in other areas. Since the 'rona weirdness descended almost 6 months ago (don't even get me started on THAT) I've had a LOT of spare time on my hands, leading me to experiment with more abstract pieces. A new home / engagement present for a family member resulted in several commissions and I've enjoyed creating paintings full of texture, movement and spontaneity. The process is poles apart from the way I approach portraits, -which are always meticulously planned and kept to a palette of four colours, applied in even layers-......but I like switching between the two styles.
I've included a selection of recent commissions below. New projects are always welcome, so if you'd like to commission a piece of artwork (portrait or abstract), just drop me a line via the contact page or any of my social media profiles.